I wrote several applications that you could use if you are interested in training monitoring, training prescription or the latest articles in sport science. These are illustrated below:
Finding academic papers, coding, presenting or managing your project from day-to-day.
Below, you'll find a selection of software that has been of great help to me.
Feel free to discover what tools are also relevant to you.
Altmetric discover attention received by your latest research
Connective papers identify connections beween published papers
- analyse all research-related data (e.g. papers, patents, online mentions)
Exercise thresholds identify your exercise thresholds from maximal exercise test data
GitHub | GitLab develop your (collaborative) code and keep track of previous versions
Jane find out what journal to submit your paper to
Mentimeter create polls or quizzes for presentations
PubSearch discover the latest publications in sports science
Roam Research organise your notes, todo's and projects to boost your productivity
Sport Data Valley analyse your sport and health data (e.g. training monitoring, prescription)
Webplotdigitizer extract data from plots or images
Zenodo store and archive your research data with a citable doi
Over the years, I have come across many resourceful articles, for example on doing research, writing or reading an academic paper or how to use Twitter to highlight your recent research.
Below you'll find a selection of the top articles that I would recommend you to read.
Academic research
Academic reading
Academic twitter
Academic writing